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Runner's Knee

Fat pad impingement – Causes, diagnosis, and treatment
The causes of infrapatellar fat pad impingement, how to correctly diagnose it, and the treatment options.

How to prevent knee pain when running
In this article, I discuss the three most common causes of knee pain when running and how you can prevent it. If your knee pain persists...

Knee pain in runners - A quick guide
The most common causes of knee pain in runners and how to distinguish between them. Also, the top three treatments for each.

Running style tips for patello-femoral pain (runner’s knee)
Patello-femoral pain (or pain in the kneecap) is often also referred to as runner’s knee, as it’s a common injury in runners. The pain is...

Kinesiology taping technique for anterior knee pain
I often use this taping technique for patients with pain over the front of their knees e.g. patellofemoral syndrome, osteoarthritis, or...
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