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Pain after cast removal? Here’s why, and what to do
Here’s why a limb can be painful when your cast has been removed, and what you can do to get rid of the pain and get things back to normal.

Best braces for knee sprains
We discuss three types of knee sprain brace and when they might aid your recovery from a mild knee sprain.

Best braces for tennis elbow pain
The various types of tennis elbow brace and their pros and cons, and why not everyone with tennis elbow will benefit from wearing a brace.

Tendon repair supplements – What does the research say?
Are tendon repair supplements a fad, or do they really help you to recover quicker from your tendon injury? We take a look at the research.

The clamshell exercise – Benefits, variation, and progressions
The clamshell exercise’s benefits as well as variation and how to make it more difficult. Also, why it might hurt and what to do about it.

Best knee braces for meniscus tears
Various types of knee brace for meniscus tears. When to remove your knee brace immediately.

CBD for runners – Does it work?
Is CBD for runners a fad supplement, or does it live up to the promise that it will help you to perform better and recover faster?

Do ice baths benefit post-exercise recovery and exercise gains?
We take a look at the research into ice baths for recovery and whether an ice bath benefits strength and endurance gains after exercise.

LCL sprain? Eight LCL exercises to regain your former strength
Detailed LCL (lateral collateral ligament) exercise descriptions with recommended sets and reps as well as video demos to help you recover.

How to use a massage gun – Avoid these mistakes!
In this article, we ignore the sales talk and look at the research on massage guns to explain how you can use them safely for best effect.

Ankle sprain exercises – What, when, and how
Ankle sprain strengthening exercises for plantar flexion, and balance exercises, including how to achieve good balance with a balance board.

Can walking on a sprained ankle make it worse?
Walking on a sprained ankle is actually good for its recovery if you go about it the right way and give it the necessary support....

DOMS treatments – What works and what doesn’t
There is no "cure" for DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), but there are some proven methods for DOMS pain relief.

Ankle braces for sprains – Do you need one, what type works best, and when to wear it
Who needs to wear an ankle brace, what type of brace is best, and when and for how long to wear it.

Walking with crutches – A step-by-step guide
The correct height of crutches, how to walk with crutches non-weightbearing and partially weightbearing, and with one crutch.

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation – Is it useful for training, recovery, and rehab?
This article explains the ins and outs of using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for rehab, recovery, and training.

Resistance band exercises - How to use them for injury rehab
Options when choosing resistance bands, how to safely attach them, and how to start and then progress your resistance band workouts.

Should I have a steroid injection for an injury? Things to consider
Why a steroid injection for an injury should only be used in very specific circumstances. Also: what are the negative side effects?

Anti-inflammatory drugs for muscle pain and injuries – Why you should think twice
Drawbacks of using anti-inflammatories for muscle pain, whether it’s for an injury or to deal with muscle soreness during or after sport.

Injury flare-ups – What they mean and how to treat them
Why injury flare-ups happen, why it does not necessarily mean that your injury is now worse, and how to get your rehab back on track.

Foam rolling the IT band - Dos and don’ts
In this article, we’ll explain what muscles you should foam roll when your iliotibial band (IT band) feels tight and why foam rolling the...

Foam rolling for quad or knee pain
We answer your questions about foam rolling quads. When can it help for knee pain? When is it best not to foam roll your quads? And more.

Navicular stress fractures – Symptoms and treatment
The navicular stress fracture is classed as a high-risk stress fracture because it often takes a long time to heal, or it requires surgery.

Is walking good for gluteal tendinopathy?
Yes, walking can be an important part of your rehab and recovery from gluteal tendinopathy, but there are some factors to consider.

How PRP injections work and when they might be useful
PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. These types of injections have gained popularity over the last few years as a treatment option for a...

How to use a whole body vibration machine for rehab
Can a whole body vibration machine help with your injury rehab? We take a look at the research to see whether there are any whole body...

When to use ice or heat for a sports injury
This must be one of the most common questions that I’ve been asked in my years of practising as a physiotherapist. Whether you use ice or...

6 Steps to help you stay focused and motivated while recovering from an injury
It’s very easy to lose motivation and just sit on the couch and sulk when you’re struggling with an injury that is taking a long time to...

How to safely get back to running/exercise after injury
There are few things as frustrating as thinking that you’ve gotten rid of an injury just for it to flare back up after a few sessions of...

Dealing with sports injuries mentally
We all have different reasons why we exercise. We all love different sports. We all gain different benefits from it. But the one...
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